ACOM  |  We Deliver Transformational Products and Services


About Us

Who We Are?

ACOM is a privately held IT consoulting and service provider company founded in 2015.

We advise the right solutions and streamline complex processes

Understanding business goals and striving to provide end users with the best possible experience

We always find the easiest way to implement any website


Network and Infrastructure Services

Corporate Technology Consulting

Network Traffic Monitor and Analysis

5G and Software Defined Network R&D

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Network Virtualization Development

Blockchain Network Deployment

Offensive Security Services

Application Security Assessment

Penetration Testing Solutions

Advanced Attack Simulation

Cyber Security Consulting Services

Information Security Management Standard

Network and Infrastructure Security

Web Design and Development


eCommerce Consulting Services

Website Redesign and Repair

Mobile App Development

Technical SEO and Analytics

Brand Strategy and Digital Marketing

Open Source Development

Implementing Python Software Projects

Advance Network Programming in Python

24/7 Linux Server Support

Custom Shell Scripting for Automation

Network functions virtualization

Internet of Things Development

Seamless Connectivity for Best Efficiency

Secure Device-to-Device/Server Connectivity

Middleware platforms integration

Indoor positioning services

Smart Home Products and Solutions

Data Minning and Analysis

Big Data and BI Consulting

BI and Analytics

Big data as a service (BDaaS)

Bioinformatics Data Management

Bioinformatics Services and Providers


Network Assesment and Pen Test

Network Security and Maintenance Advisor

Network Offensive Security by Pen Tests

Enterprise Linux Server Managed Services

Datacenter Network and Security Advisor

Standards & Guidelines

ISO 27001 Consulting and Implementation

PCI DSS Consulting and Implementation

ITIL, IT Service Management

Software Quality Assurance

E-commerce Development

Strategy, Analysis and Optimization

Cloud-Based Commerce Platforms

Custom Order Management Systems

Payment Gateway Integration

How Do We Design Our Products?


LET'S TALK about your idea so that the words will change into deeds


ACTION PLAN, we will prepare the appropriate steps so that the whole process of creating the product runs smoothly


SPRINTS, Now we implement what we have planned


MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT, Now the time has come to turn all activities into benefits

Technologies We Use


DevOps CD/CI

Continuous Delivery andIntegration

CI or Continuous Integration won its battle over long and tense manual software system integration quite long back. Keeping with the trend, MSys follows a stringent CI practice for all the DevOps projects allowing teams to spend less time debugging and more time developing new features.

By incorporating our DevOps-as-a-service best practices, you can hit in the ranks of the best DevOps companies. We provide DevOps services and architecture solutions - from strategic planning to delivery and ongoing maintenance.

Combination of micro services & DevOps proves to be a fully functional package for enterprises. To design modern application we provide services for Deployment of an app in form of containers on Kubernetes, Mesos Merathon, Docker Swarm.

ACOM developers can efficiently set up CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, GitlabCI, and TeamCity. Jenkins Plug-Ins we are familiar with Git, Gradle, Groovy, Mavin, Sonar and others. Using Git Lab Ci we are capable of designing Git Lab runners with different executers like SHELL, Kubernetes, Docker runners, Atlassian Bitbucket.

Agile Implementation

Methodology & Strategy

Agile is a methodology of project management, originally created and used by software developers. It has since spread into many more industries and businesses and is now one of the most popular methods of managing projects.

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

The core value at the heart of Agile project management is the concept of “inspect and adapt”, meaning last-minute changes are welcome at any stage of the project cycle.

MTV Design Pattern

As in Django Structure

"Django grew from a very practical need: World Online, a newspaper Web operation"

It follows the MVC pattern closely, however it does use its own logic in the implementation. Because the “C” is handled by the framework itself and most of the excitement in Django happens in models, templates and views

• M stands for “Model,” the data access layer. This layer contains anything and everything about the data: how to access it, how to validate it, which behaviors it has, and the relationships between the data.

• T stands for “Template,” the presentation layer. This layer contains presentation related decisions: how something should be displayed on a Web page or other type of document

• V stands for “View,” the business logic layer. This layer contains the logic that accesses the model and acts as a bridge between models and templates.

How to Contact Us?

Office Phone





Main Office

Tehran-Gisha-Mashhoori St.-No 36

Office 2

Zanjan-17Shahrivar St-No 60


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